Dynare Docker Containers now available

Dynare Docker Containers

We provide a range of pre-configured Docker containers for Dynare on Docker Hub, which include both Octave and MATLAB (pre-configured with Dynare already in the PATH) and all recommended toolboxes. These containers are ideal for using Dynare in CI/CD environments (example Workflow for GitHub Actions) or High Performance Computing clusters with either Docker, ENROOT or Singularity, see also this post.

To minimize maintenance efforts while ensuring high levels of security, reliability, and performance, our Docker containers are built from the official MATLAB container base image using a custom Dockerfile.
Additionally, we provide an example docker-compose file for complete access to the Ubuntu Desktop via VNC.

More information and instructions for customizations are available here.

Supported tags

Tags Dynare Version MATLAB® Version Octave Version Operating System Base Image
latest 5.4 R2023a 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2023a
5.4 5.4 R2023a 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2023a
5.3 5.3 R2022b 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2022b
5.2 5.2 R2022a 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2022a
5.1 5.1 R2022a 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2022a
5.0 5.0 R2021b 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2021b
4.6.4 4.6.4 R2021a 5.2.0 Ubuntu 20.04 mathworks/matlab:R2021a


Please use this thread to raise issues or problems you have with the containers.

It is amazing that you have produced pre-configured Docker images for Dynare, thank you so much!

At the moment I am trying to run Dynare from these images, but when I give the command “docker run…” I am being told that “The license file specified does not exist”. This is really strange, as I have an individual academic license file with which I run MATLAB on my 2 laptops, and there everything works fine. I have checked both for dynare 5.4 version and for the latest version, and this issue exists for both images.

I would grateful if you could help me to figure out how I can use these images.

Could you post your complete docker run command? This sounds like you entered the wrong path…
An example call with a personal license is given here.

Thank you for your response, I have also emailed MatLab and it seems I have indeed given the wrong path. I am going to see whether I can get access now and come back if it still does not work.