Compiling and Running Dynare on a linux cluster running CentOS or RHEL

Recently, docker images have been available, and I could run dynare using Apptainer on an hpc with Cent OS. This is the first time I have used containers, so my solution might need improvements/corrections. But it seems to be working. Here is what I did:

1. mkdir dynare
2. cd dynare

3. mkdir examples

4. touch examples/example1.mod

5. module load Apptainer

6. apptainer build dynare.sif docker://dynare/dynare:latest

7. apptainer exec \
8.     --env \
9.     dynare.sif \
10.    matlab -batch \
11.    "addpath('/home/matlab/dynare/matlab'); cd examples; dynare example1"

12. module unload Apptainer

Line 1: Make a folder, named ‘dynare’

Line 2: Enter the folder

Line 3: Make a folder, named ‘examples’

Line 4: Make an empty model file inside the examples folder, names ‘example1.mod’

Line 5: Load the ‘Apptainer’ module

Line 6: Build .sif file pulling the docker images from docker hub

Line 7: exec subcommand lets us run a command within the container

Line 8: Pass your matlab license as an environmental variable with --env

Line 9: Give the container image to exec

Line 10: Matlab should run line 11

Line 11: Commands to be executed inside matlab

Line 12: Unload the Apptainer module

If dynare works, we should see some dynare errors printed out, as our example1.mod file is empty. We should also make sure to change according to our own license.

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