Dynare 4.6.4- Installation failed on Big Sur 11.6

Hello Dynare Forum,

I cannot install Dynare on my macOS Big Sur 11.6. After reading through other posts, I still have not been able to fix this problem.

Below is my install log.
install.log (240.0 KB)

Thanks in advance!

It looks like your internet connection broke during the installation process. Please try again with a stable connection. Alternatively, you can also have a look at installation guides for macos: Dynare Installation Guides - YouTube


I have the same problem, but I don’t think it’s coming from the internet connection because I’ve tried in different places with different internet connections, still, it’s not working. And sadly when I click on “show the error” it is not working as well. Here is my screen.

Thanks in advance,

Check the log-file and also see