Alguém poderia me ajudar a escrever o codigo desse modelo

Estou tentando escrever o codigo desse modelo, mas não consigo.
Tenho pouca experiência em modelos DSGE.

Será que alguém poderia me ensinar a fazer o código desse modelo.

Exercicio.pdf (39.4 KB)

Os valores dos parâmetors encontram-se aqui: Monetary policy volatility shocks in Brazil - ScienceDirect

Where exactly is your problem? People are not going to implement a full model for you.

Entendi! Certo.

This is the file I was trying to replicate, however, I am not able to do the routine correctly. Can you help me.
1-s2.0-S0264999318307740-mmc1.pdf (408.7 KB)
Nmodel.mod (2.9 KB)
Here is the template file and the code I wrote:

Why did you only implement part of the model equations? As Dynare tells you, you are using various objects that have not been defined as var or parameters or varexo.