Writing the steady state file

Hi everyone

In my model, i am solving the steady state, in which I have the following equation

log(z(t)) = log(z) + epsilon(t) (1)
z is steady state point.

When I solve the equation (1) at the steady state, then all z(t) = z and shock (epsilon(t)) will disappear. So equation (1) at the steady state is always log(z) = log(z)
how I can determined the steady state z? and write it into the steady state file.
I mean other case like technology shock
log(a(t)) = rhoalog(a(t-1)) + epsilona(t) (2)
at the stead state, the equation (2) becomes: log(a) = rhoa
log(a), then I can determine a = 1 as the steady state. But what about the equation (1), how to determine the steady state?

Best regards

Hi Peter,
Please use the possibility to write \LaTeX equations and expressions, it would be easier to read.

From what I understand, the steady state has to be given as a parameter. It is exactly the same in your second example, which can be written more generally as:

\log a_t = (1-\rho)\log a^{\star} + \rho \log a_{t-1} + \varepsilon_t

The deterministic steady state for a would be a^{\star}, and you have implicitly chosen a^{\star}=1.
