Very urgent help!

I am a Ph.D student, I have a master’s degree with honours, and I do research on DSGE modelling in the University of Orlèans, France in an exchange program between Tunisia and France.I am currently doing a research on Interactions between monetary and macroprudential policies applied to the devolopping and low income countries such us the case of Tunisia.
Being a beginner in the field of DSGE modelling in MATLAB and DYNARE i have many problems and i have codes of many papers but they don’t run. i must finisg my model this month please i want someone help me.
my e-mail:

Hi, I am not sure you will receive much help, throwing out a bottle into the sea, with this kind of vague message. You have to be more specific. If you need a general introduction to DSGE models, it would probably be more profitable (for you) to read one or two textbooks first.


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Dear Sir,
I am a Ph.D student, I have a master’s degree with honours, and I do research on DSGE modelling in the University of Orlèans, France in an exchange program between Tunisia and France.
I am currently doing a research on Interactions between monetary and macroprudential policies applied to the devolopping and low income countries such us the case of Tunisia. Being a beginner in the field of DSGE modelling in MATLAB and DYNARE, I would like you to do me a favour.
Would that be possible that you send me modelling (MATLAB/DYNARE/…) code on which based a simulations for small open economy? I would like to adapt it to my current research. please Sir Help me, i want to learn more and succeed my research but i don’t find solutions. also i have many codes of papers that show me errors and i have no idea to correct them.

Yours faithfully.SOE_FIX_Macro_Prud.mod (6.0 KB)
SOE_FLEX_Macro_Prud.mod (6.0 KB)

  1. The error messages in Dynare are usually pretty explicit.
  2. When posting files, make sure you post everything needed to run the codes. For example, you are loading
load ys.mat

but did not provide the file

dear Sir,
thank you for the help yes i have provided the file and correct other errors but now i follow other error
SOE_FoF_NoMacro_Prud.mod (8.5 KB)
Error using print_info (line 90)
The steady state contains NaN or Inf
Error in stoch_simul (line 100)
print_info(info, options_.noprint, options_);
Error in SOE_FoF_NoMacro_Prud (line 702)
info = stoch_simul(var_list_);
Error in dynare (line 235)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;

As Dynare says:

Warning: Some of the parameters have no value (F1, B1, B2, B3, B4, bc_ss, rer_ss, B, IK, J, DE) when using stoch_simul. If
these parameters are not initialized in a steadystate file or a steady_state_model-block, Dynare may not be able to solve
the model…

Also, you have a linear model, so all steady states for the variables should be 0.

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thanks Sir. i correct them.