Hi there,
I am trying to replicate Abbritti and Fahr’s 2013 publication, Downward Wage Rigidity and Business Cycle Asymmetries, and I am getting the following error code when I run .mod file in Dynare:
Unrecognized function or variable ‘ytot’.
Error in dwmoments (line 49)
lOUT = lPROD.*ytot;
→ the variable ‘ytot’ is defined as a variable in the ‘var’ block;
→ ytot Inshaa Allahgiven a value in the ‘initval;’ block - it is defined as ytot=Yss; Yss is a parameter and it is defined in the workspace.
→ ytot is defined with an equation based on other defined variables and parameters in the model section
before i get the error term, the steady state results appear in the Command Window, and ytot is indeed= the value of Yss seen in the workspace.
Then when the .mod file calls another file ‘dwmoments.m’ this is where the issue arises. Supposedly, ‘dwmoments.m’ does not recognize the variable ‘ytot’.
For a fuller picture: ytot never appears in the workspace, I am not sure if that is normal or not. Also, when I used the ‘whos’ command in the command window, ytot does not appear at all.
I have spent hours trying to figure out what the problem is, why ‘ytot’ is not recognized… please help!
Many thanks in advance.