Time varying volatility and expectations

I have a model with oil which includes a stream of income, and so a present value price that looks like:

PV = param1 * bETA * oilprice(+1)+param2 * bETA^2 * oilprice(+2) … (+100). 

When I use the following specs for the oil price (as in Plante and Traum (2012)),…

Log(P/P_ss) = rHO * Log(P(-1)/P_ss) + **exp(eTA)** * ePSILON_OIL  

**eTA** = (1-nU) * eTA_BAR + nU * **eTA(-1)** + ePSILON_ETA 

(With eTA_BAR = -4.7006, P_ss=0.1394, nU=0.9, starting value for eTA=-4.7006, eTA upon shock = -0.25)

…then when shocking the oil price volatility variable eTA (at the stochastic steady state), the PV variable declines as expected, but manufacturing output, capital investment and consumption rise.

When instead I use the following specs (as in Baskaya et al (2013))…

Log(P/P_ss) = rHO * Log(P(-1)/P_ss) + **eTA** * ePSILON_OIL  

**Log(eTA)** = (1-nU) * eTA_BAR + nU * **Log(eTA(-1))** + ePSILON_ETA 

(With eTA_BAR=-4.7006, P_ss=0.1394, nU=0.9, starting value for eTA=0.0091, eTA upon shock=0.7788)

…then when shocking the oil price volatility variable, manufacturing output, capital investment and consumption decline as expected, but the PV variable rises…

Could someone explain why this is happening? I am using Dynare 5.4.

Which order of approximation are you using? And what type of IRFs are you using?

Thank you professor Pfeifer for your reply.

We are using 3rd order approximation, and the IRFs are at the stochastic steady state/EMAS.

I will send you the code. The stochastic steady state part borrows from your code for Basu and Bundick (2017).

Hello, I still don’t know why the code is producing these results. Thank you.