The error:Not enough input arguments

I try to create my steady-state file, but it shows the warning message:

Warning: Identifier ‘beta’ in the evaluated statement does not refer to the external
function. In a future release, using an identifier different to how it is used in the file
will not be supported.

And the error message:
Not enough input arguments.

It seems that the parameters can’t correctly be read in my steady-state file.
Here is my file, is there any problem on my model file or steady-state file?
Or there are some details that I don’t notice
Yashiv_2022_noexp_test_steadystate.m (2.3 KB)
Yashiv_2022_noexp_test.mod (4.0 KB)

This is a naming conflict with built-in Matlab functions like beta. That’s why the Dynare manual recommends not using correctly spelled Greek letters. I rename them. Use
Yashiv_2022_noexp_test_steadystate.m (2.3 KB)
Yashiv_2022_noexp_test.mod (4.0 KB)

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Thanks for helping!
I face another problem with the error message
Residuals of the static equations:

Equation number 1 : 1 : 1
Equation number 2 : NaN : 2
Equation number 3 : 0 : nt
Equation number 4 : NaN : xt
Equation number 5 : 0 : ft
Equation number 6 : 0 : netyt
Equation number 7 : NaN : gt
Equation number 8 : NaN : dght
Equation number 9 : NaN : dgnt
Equation number 10 : NaN : dgkt
Equation number 11 : NaN : fkt
Equation number 12 : NaN : fnt
Equation number 13 : 0 : bkt
Equation number 14 : 0 : kt
Equation number 15 : NaN : 15
Equation number 16 : NaN : 16
Equation number 17 : 0 : 17
Equation number 18 : NaN : 18
Equation number 19 : 0 : wrt
Equation number 20 : 0 : 20
Equation number 21 : NaN : 21
Equation number 22 : NaN : 22

Error using print_info
The steadystate file did not compute the steady state

Although I read the topic:

I still don’t understand what it means.

You need to check your file. You put in the condition

%% Step 2: Check parameter restrictions
if betta<1  % parameter violates restriction (here it is artifical)
    check=1; %set failure indicator
    return;  %return without updating steady states

which is triggered.

See, the condition is for checking the beta on the last error.
I have removed this condition, but it still has the same error.
In steady-state file , are there any details I don’t notice ?
Thanks @jpfeifer rapid reply!

When removing the condition, Dynare reports that the steady state file does not solve two of your equations. So either those equations in the mod-file contain an error or your steady state computation is wrong.

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