Taylor Rule, steady state variables


I would like to replicate a Taylor Rule in Dynare where the GDP is at steady state. I have found in p.15 of “Dynare Reference Manual” for version 4.4.3. However, I don’t know how to use this command. Could anyone help me please?

The form of the equation is as follows: int = r -theta*(pi-[Pi at steady state])-rho*(ln(Y)-ln([Y at steady state]))-[Pi at steady state]

Here it is what the Reference Manual says about this topic but it is not clear how to apply it:

Thank you in advance!

That would be

int = r -theta*(pi-steady_state(pi))-rho*(ln(Y)-ln(steady_state(y)))-steady_state(pi)
Please keep in mind [An infinity of steady states with Taylor rules)

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Dear Professor Pfeifer,
Is it possible to use the steady_state() operator when initializing parameters or only inside the model block?
Thank you in advance,

No, the operator only works inside a model-block. Outside of it, its context would be ambiguous.