Hi. I am running an RBC model where I loop over 3 values of gamma. However, when I try to save the IRF output, it gives me the same values regardless of the value of gamma that I use. This is in-spite of the automatic IRF graphs being very different depending on the value of gamma. A lot of debugging suggests that stoch_simul is not saving new values in oo_.irf. I have attached my matlab code and my .mod file. How can I save the IRF results from the loop so that I can create one nice graph using Matlab?
dynare_example_driver.m (4.2 KB)
RBC_shocks.mod (3.2 KB)
For Dynare 6 you forgot to request the output of stoch_simul
[info, oo_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, var_list_);
dynare_example_driver.m (4.3 KB)
RBC_shocks.mod (3.2 KB)
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Thank you so much! Worked like a charm.