Steady State Computation Issue in DSGE Model for Kenya's Oil Revenue Allocation

Hello Dynare Community,

I’m a newcomer to Dynare and currently working on a DSGE model focused on Kenya’s oil revenue allocation. However, I keep encountering an error: “steadystate file did not compute the steady state.” I’m hoping someone can help me resolve this issue.

Below is the Dynare code I am using for my model. This model is designed to analyse different fiscal policy rules for managing oil revenue, including benchmarks and various spending and investment strategies. Despite my efforts, the steady-state computation fails. The code is attached here:
test_e.mod (20.0 KB)

I have checked my model equations and calibration, but the steady-state computation does not work. I’m unsure whether it’s a problem with the model equations or the parameters. I would greatly appreciate any advice or pointers on how to debug this issue.

Thank you in advance for your help!

test_e.log (3.6 KB)

  1. You did not set theta
  2. It seems you are only providing initial values, not a steady state. Use initval for that.