Stability error model

Hi Prof. Pfeifer,
Help me please.
Why there is a stability error for the simplest model of two unrelated regions. I can not understand. The model file is attached.
Thank you,
Leonid.model_2reg.mod (1.4 KB)

What is the underlying setup here? The interest rate reacts to the average inflation, but the real interest rate is locally determined?

Thanks for your prompt reply, jpfeifer!

Hi Prof. Pfeifer,
How can the aggregated value of R be related to the local real interest rates r1 and r2 from the equations for y1 and y2 in the same model [model_2reg.mod]
Thank you,

As I said, the underlying setup is not clear to me. You as the model builder need to think hard whether the conditions you have here make sense.

Thanks for your prompt reply, jpfeifer!