Hi all
I am trying to solve a quite simple model using Dynare++. everything seems to run well when I ask Dynare++ to do a first order Taylor expansion. But when I do more than 1, I get garbage. I have tried the same model in standard dynare and everything works well (first and second order). The problem, is that the extension of the model will involve an stochastic steady state, and therefore I need Dynare++.
Here is the code
var p dc s r;
varexo v;
parameters beta phi gamma sbar g;
beta = 0.9842;
phi = 0.9713;
gamma = 2.0000;
sbar = -3.2210;
g = 0.0055;
exp(p) = beta*exp((1-gamma)*dc(+1) - gamma*(s(+1) - s))*(1 + exp(p(+1)));
dc = g + v;
s = (1 - phi)*sbar + phi*s(-1) + (1/exp(sbar)*(1 - 2*(s(-1) - sbar))^(1/2) - 1)*v;
exp(-r) = beta*exp(-gamma*dc(+1) - gamma*(s(+1) - s));
p = 3.8342;
dc = 0.0055;
s = -3.2210;
r = 0.0269;
vcov =
order = 2;
To run the code I am doing
!C:\dynare\4.4.3\dynare++\dynare++ --order 2 --per 300 --sim 100 --steps 0 --seed 151 wachterSS.mod
maybe there is an issue with the timing when I translated the code from Dynare to Dynare++?
Many thanks!