I am trying to numerically calculate the expected values of welfare for different policy specifications and compare those to one another. So I use a second order approximation to all the equilibrium conditions, including the recursive representation of welfare, which is just thhousing1.mod (6.6 KB)
e utility of the households as in the literature.
My code runs well, however, when I set “order=2”, I encounter the following message:
stoch_simul:: The simulations conducted for generating IRFs to epsa_c were explosive.
stoch_simul:: No IRFs will be displayed. Either reduce the shock size,
stoch_simul:: use pruning, or set the approximation order to 1.
What does it mean? If it is a problem, how can I fix it?
Besides, I also want to search over a grid over the parameter ranges, like [0,1], and set the grid step for each parameter, for example, 0.1, in order to find the optimal policy coefficients. How can I do this in Dynare?
Code attached.
Thank you for your help. Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for your reply. The post you pointed to is very helpful. And I can run the 2nd order approximation well when I reduce the shock size to 0.01.
However, for the code you posted in Policy frontier, it uses the command “osr” which is designed for the linear-quadratic problem. What I want to do is to find the values of the optimal policy coefficients which can maximize the welfare. The welfare is defined as a variable as the utility of the household. I have clearly written the model in level and the steady states. The parameter values of the policy rule do Not impact the steady states. I think I might have to write a function which can solve the maximization problem based on the function of welfare, but I don’t know how to do it in Dynare. Could you please help me with it?
Thank you very much. I am looking forward to your reply.
Could anyone please help me with this question? I just want to compare the welfare which is defined as the household utility, under different policy rules. I don’t mean to derive a welfare loss function and solve the linear quadratic problem. So now I was stuck that I don’t know how to find the optimal parameters of the policy rule in Dynare.
Thanks for your reply. I followed some posts in this forum and wrote the attached code. The mod. file runs well, however, the parameter loop file run into the error message:
stoch_simul:: The simulations conducted for generating IRFs to epsa_d were explosive.
stoch_simul:: No IRFs will be displayed. Either reduce the shock size,
stoch_simul:: use pruning, or set the approximation order to 1.
How should I fix this problem? I have already reduced the shock size to 0.001.
Besides, if the parameter loop file looks correct, how can I find the maximized welfare and parameter value?
I shut down the IRFS and now I can run the code without any error message. However, could you please help me check whether my parameter loop file was written correctly? If it looks fine, how can I find the maximized welfare and parameter value?
Thank for your time. I am looking forward to your reply. Here attached the updated code file.optimal_rule.m (556 Bytes) housing.mod (6.6 KB)
Thanks for your feedback. Through looping the parameters, I want to search over a grid over the parameter ranges, for example [0,1], in order to find the optimal policy coefficients. The “optimal” refers to the maximized welfare given the “optimal” parameter value. The welfare is defined as the household utility. Because I think during the parameter loop, Dynare must generate many welfare values given different parameter values. So if the parameter loop looks fine, how can I find the maximized welfare value and the corresponding parameter value which generate the maximized welfare?
Please be more precise and specific with respect to your particular mod-file. Which variable encodes welfare. And what is the relation between the
If I understand it correctly, for each parameter value on the grid, you want to run an optimizer over a different set of parameters. What are these parameters you want to optimize over?
Thanks for your reply. Your understanding is correct. What I want to do is find the the maximized welfare value and the corresponding parameter value which can generate the maximized welfare. The parameters which I want to optimize over is rho_pi and rho_y, which are the coefficients of the Taylor rule. The welfare variables in the mod file are v_b, v_s, and v, which represent the borrowers’, savers’, and the aggregate utility, respectively.
Thanks for your help. I followed your shared post Optimal policy parameters in a non-linear model. I just modify a little bit since I only have two parameters which need to be optimized. However, when I run the mod-file, I get the error message:
Undefined function or variable ‘par_value_lambda’.
Error in welfare_objective (line 19)
Error in csminwel (line 62)
f0 = fcn(x0,varargin{:});
Error in housing (line 341)
[fhat,x_opt_hat] = csminwel(@welfare_objective,x_start,H0,[],crit,nit,x_opt_name);
Error in dynare (line 223)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;
Could you please help me check my code and see how to fix the problem? welfare_objective.m (703 Bytes) housing.mod (7.2 KB)
Many thanks for your generous help. It helped me a lot!
I notice that you didn’t put the stoch_simul command in the mod-file. However, in the post Optimal policy parameters in a non-linear model, you indicated me that the maximization code should be put after a stoch_simul-command because that one is needed to initialize all the structures used. Could you please help me explain whether should I put the maximization code right after the stoch_simul command or just delete it? And why?
Besides, how can I set the grid step during the process of optimal parameter value search? For example, I define the range of the parameters to be optimized as 0 to 3, rather than 0 to Inf in your posted code, and I also want to set the grid search step is 0.01 during this range. How can I do it in dynare?
The safe option is to have a stoch_simul-command in the mod-file, but when I tested the code, it was not necessary.
The bounds you refer to are the bounds in which the optimal parameters may range. What you have in mind is looping over a different set of parameters and then finding the optimal parameters. That would be another loop around the code I wrote.