Hello, I solved RBC with Cash In Advance Model into Dynare, but it said
‘Impossible to find the steady state (the sum of squared residuals of the static equations is 631.5293).
Either the model doesn’t have a steady state, there are an infinity of steady states, or the guess values are too far from the solution’
‘Residuals of the static equations:
Equation number 1: r : 0.386102
Equation number 2: w : 22.223226
Equation number 3: p : 0.000041
Equation number 4: 4 : -0.000000
Equation number 5: 5 : 0.000001
Equation number 6: 6 : -1.107060
Equation number 7: y : 0.000000
Equation number 8: i : -0.000045
Equation number 9: 9 : 0.000001
Equation number 10: 10 : 0.000005’
however, I think there is not any error in my model and initial value.
var w r p c h k y i g A;
varexo eg ea;
parameters sigma beta B delta theta gamma rhog sigmag rhoa sigmaa g_ss;
sigma = 1.5;
beta = 0.99;
B = 5.0376;
delta = 0.025;
theta = 0.33;
gamma = 2;
rhog = 0.5;
sigmag = 0.01;
rhoa = 0.9;
sigmaa = 0.01;
g_ss = 1.02;
r = A * theta * h^(1 - theta) * (k(-1))^(theta - 1);
w = A * (1 - theta) * h^(-theta) * (k(-1))^(theta);
p = 1 / c;
k + 1/p = w * h + r * k(-1) + (1 - delta) * k(-1);
(1/beta) * h^(1/gamma) / (h(+1))^(1/gamma) = w / (w(+1)) * ((r(+1)) + (1 - delta));
h^(1/gamma) * B * (g(+1)) / (w * p) = beta / p(+1) * (c(+1))^(-sigma);
y = c + i;
i = k - (1 - delta) * k(-1);
exp(g) = rhog * exp(g(-1)) + (1-rhog) * g_ss + eg;
exp(A) = rhoa * exp(A(-1)) + ea;
r = 0.0351;
w = 2.0203;
p = 1.3006;
c = 0.7689;
h = 1/3;
k = 9.4498;
y = 1.0051;
i = 0.2362;
g = 1.02;
A = 1;
var eg = sigmag^2;
var ea = sigmaa^2;
stoch_simul(hp_filter=1600, order=1, irf=40);
can you tell me where is it wrong?
Thank you in advance.