Rerun OSR to check for optimality or local extremum

  1. Your loop is improper because i) you are looping over the Dynare syntax of the command, which is extremely error prone;(you should use the functional command syntax that I outline above) and ii) your should be using the set_param_value command to update parameters (what you did above by assigning a value to the parameter name directly in the loop does not assure correct updating)
  2. opt_algo=4 is a Newton-based optimizer and therefore local by construction. opt_algo=9 in contrast is a global optimizer that should work better regardless of the starting values for the parameters
  3. The line oo_.osr = osr(var_list_,M_.osr.param_names,M_.osr.variable_indices,M_.osr.variable_weights); is the functional syntax of calling the osr-command. It is Matlab-code that can be put in an arbitrary Matlab-loop. The var_list_-variable stores that names of the variables usually put after the osr-command. If it does not yet exist, then use M_.endo_names to display results for all endogenous variables.
  4. The oo_.osr.error_indicator contains the error code from the OSR optimization. It will be equal to 1 whenever a problem was encountered (like never finding a vector that satisfies the BK conditions)
  5. Dynare will stop computations if for the initial parameter values the OSR parameters the model cannot be solved - unless the noprint-option is set. In that case, osr will continue, but given that no explicit error message will be shown, you will need to check the error-code whether there was a problem at a given parameter value on the grid.
  6. The osr-optimizer always takes the last calibrated parameter value stored in M_.params as its starting value. That explains why you experience different results. You can use the set_param_value-command in your loop to try different starting values.
  7. I tend to prefer global optimizers like 8 or 9. They usually take longer, but are more robust to the starting values. When you say that with 9 your results are poor, do you mean the OSR parameter values are large? That is common and indicates you need to set bounds.
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