Dear all,
I am a bit confused by the documentation of the osr command.
My intention is it to check how different OSR’s behave in the Branch and McGough (2009) model.
I would like to iterate over one parameter \alpha (=share of rational agents) and compute the OSR each time and store the OSR parameters.
Before storing the OSR parameters, I would like to check whether the parameters are sensible (= the true minimizers). So essentially I would like to rerun for different starting values, or something like that (in order to rule out that the optimization algorithm is stuck in a strange local extremum).
How can I do this?
My mod file without this rerunning process is attached. osr_parameters_HE.mod (2.7 KB)
For my taste the obtained results look strange, because the obtained OSR parameters are so huge.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Best regards