Dear dynare team, I read example about RBC news shock. Now I have some problems:
- Here you list two TFP shocks, i.e., eps_z_news and eps_z_surprise. And I think the shock eps_z_news would anticipate by agents (such as households) when it happened, but the shock eps_z_surprise cannot anticipate by agents when it happened. Is right?
- In the model block, you entered the eps_z_news(-8), what means? Could you give me more details about this ?
- Why you set two shocks, as you said ‘having two exactly offsetting shocks from continuous distributions to keep the exogenous variable constant is a 0 probability event for the agents of the mode’. I cannot understand very well about this, is there any more introduction?’
- Finally, I want to know if I only set shock eps_z_news, is OK? And at steady state, we use the simult_ to simulate the process after given shock, this doing means the shock can anticipate by agents, what is different from the stoch_simul ?
Please give me some help, thanks a lot.
My best,