Problem with dynare-Octave

Dear Musketeers,

I am running dynare 4.0.2 with Octave 3.0.1. The dynare code is something very simple (so far). The code crashes to the following error message that is accompanied with an error message window saying

Any ideas what to change?


octave-3.0.1.exe:9> dynare miuf;

Configuring Dynare ...
[mex] Generalized QZ.
[mex] Sylvester equation solution.
[mex] Kronecker products.
[mex] Sparse kronecker products.

Starting Dynare ...
Starting preprocessing of the model file ...
10 equation(s) found
Processing derivation ...
  Processing Order 1... done
Processing outputs ...
Preprocessing completed.
Starting Matlab computing ...

error: library initialization routine failed: c:\dynare\4.0.2\matlab\../mex/octa
error: failed to install .mex file function `mjdgges'
error: `mjdgges' undefined near line 360 column 43
error: evaluating if command near line 322, column 5
error: called from `dr1' in file `c:\dynare\4.0.2\matlab\dr1.m'
error: evaluating if command near line 94, column 1
error: called from `resol' in file `c:\dynare\4.0.2\matlab\resol.m'
error: called from `check' in file `c:\dynare\4.0.2\matlab\check.m'
error: near line 122 of file `d:\antti\tyot\MonetaryMacro\code\miuf.m'
error: called from `dynare' in file `c:\dynare\4.0.2\matlab\dynare.m'

Hi Antti,

obviously the DLL’s that we are shipping aren’t compatible with your version of Octave. Please, try to recompile them by following the instructions at

All the best,



I agree with Michel.

Note that on the Octave Forge site, they provide two binaries for Octave 3.0.1:

  • one compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2005, simply called “octave-3.0.1.exe”
  • and another compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 2008, called “octave-3.0.1-vs2008.exe”

The binaries we provide for Dynare/Octave are only compatible with the MS Visual C++ 2008 version. Maybe you installed the other one. Try to reinstall Octave using the MSVC 2008 version.



Many thanks for the advise! I had a wrong version of Octave.
