Placing dates on the horizontal axis of historical shock decomposition shocks


I am not sure I understand what you intend to do… I believe all this is explained in the reference manual. From the Matlab command window you can put your data in a dseries object:

>>  ds = dseries('brdatach1new.xls', '2000Q1');

You can check by displaying the object:

ds is a dseries object:
       | dy_obs   | pi_obs  | i_obs  | i360_obs | i720_obs | i1800_obs
2000Q1 | 1.3287   | 0.65917 | 4.3245 | 4.9012   | 5.1491   | 4.8944   
2000Q2 | 0.31327  | 1.1031  | 4.1525 | 4.934    | 5.0239   | 5.1862   
2000Q3 | 1.0049   | 3.3771  | 3.9094 | 4.2826   | 4.3771   | 4.6066   
2000Q4 | 0.94181  | 0.51526 | 3.683  | 4.3122   | 4.414    | 4.6622   
2001Q1 | -0.61854 | 1.2252  | 3.5184 | 4.0779   | 4.1872   | 4.4164   
2001Q2 | -0.4199  | 2.094   | 3.7728 | 5.3174   | 5.5233   | 5.8233   
2001Q3 | -0.76334 | 2.4898  | 4.3896 | 6.1832   | 6.8706   | 7.8762   
2001Q4 | -0.70914 | 1.5323  | 4.291  | 5.5782   | 6.2411   | 7.4405   
2002Q1 | 1.5443   | 1.2849  | 4.1248 | 4.7224   | 5.1964   | 6.0845   
2002Q2 | 0.8277   | 2.0664  | 4.198  | 5.2402   | 5.928    | 6.8748   
       |          |         |        |          |          |          
2016Q1 | -1.1644  | 1.9566  | 3.2035 | 3.5514   | 3.6534   | 3.7899   
2016Q2 | -0.52813 | 1.787   | 3.3086 | 3.2612   | 3.145    | 3.136    
2016Q3 | -0.34064 | 1.7273  | 3.4136 | 3.2114   | 3.0246   | 2.9542   
2016Q4 | -1.1574  | 0.62921 | 3.1934 | 3.0003   | 2.8502   | 2.8746   
2017Q1 | 0.68079  | 0.32613 | 2.9882 | 2.5845   | 2.4943   | 2.5976   
2017Q2 | 0.068929 | 0.2717  | 2.512  | 2.279    | 2.3469   | 2.576    
2017Q3 | -0.1836  | 1.279   | 2.2303 | 1.9433   | 2.0905   | 2.424    
2017Q4 | -0.15551 | 1.0279  | 1.7454 | 1.7472   | 2.0228   | 2.4486   
2018Q1 | 0.40736  | 0.06673 | 1.578  | 1.6869   | 1.9654   | 2.3588   
2018Q2 | 0.33216  | 1.9236  | 1.5509 | 1.7299   | 1.9847   | 2.4988   
2018Q3 | -0.15349 | 1.4079  | 1.5755 | 1.9306   | 2.2272   | 2.7502   

Then you just have to call the plot function (overloaded for dseries objects):

>>  plot(ds.dy_obs)

which will add periods on the abscissa:


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