Perform moment matching with Matlab

I’m trying to numerically calibrate my model by setting to zero (or minimizing) the distance between data moments and model moments. My Matlab code is something similar to:

param_0 = 0.1;
x0(1) = param_0;
target_moments(1) = 1;

options = optimset(...);

[calibrated_params FFinal] = fsolve(@(x) moment_distance(x, target_moments, M, oo, var_list), param_0, options);

function V = moment_distance(x,target_moments, M, oo, var_list)
    param = x(1);
    [info, oo_, options_] = stoch_simul(M, options, oo, var_list);
    % Say model target moment is located at oo_.var(1,1)
    V(1) = target_moments(1) - oo_.var(1,1);

The problem with this is that checking the values V takes, I note that they never change when the solver tries different values, resulting in not finding a solution as the function is regular. This is wrong since I’ve already done parameter identification and moments do change when I change parameter values.

I think this comes from the fact that running stoch_simul() locally in a function without having run dynare('model.mod') alone first is not the same as running this first, since it sets-up the environment with M_, oo_, options_, var_list_ variables.

Nonetheless, if I change my function to:

function V = moment_distance(x,target_moments)
    param = x(1);
    [info, oo_, options_] = stoch_simul(M_, options_, oo_, var_list_);
    % Say model target moment is located at oo_.var(1,1)
    V(1) = target_moments(1) - oo_.var(1,1);

I now obtain an error inside the function which prompts that M_ ( and I guess the other related variables) does not exist. I’m not sure what should I do in order to get Dynare changing effectively the parameter values for iteration and trying to find a solution, I’d be very grateful with some help.


Inside of your function the call to

is not a proper way to set parameters. Use set_param_value for that. See e.g. DSGE_mod/RBC_IRF_matching/IRF_matching_objective.m at master · JohannesPfeifer/DSGE_mod · GitHub


Indeed. Sorry, I forgot to put that part in the sample code. Checking the link you shared I used the global oo_ M_ options_ var_list_ at the beginning of the function which put my code working. Thanks!