Dear all,
My bayesian estimation went wrong. When I used Dynare to run my mod file, there were some bad results:
Error in computing likelihood for initial parameter values
Initial value of the log posterior (or likelihood): -Inf
Change in the posterior covariance matrix = 9.9995.
Change in the posterior mean = 0.040833.
Current mode = 44.3099
Mode improvement = Inf
New value of jscale = 9.9854e-06
Change in the posterior covariance matrix = 0.00062842.
Change in the posterior mean = 0.040833.
Current mode = Inf
Mode improvement = Inf
New value of jscale = 0
Change in the posterior covariance matrix = 3.1419e-08.
Change in the posterior mean = 0.
Current mode = Inf
Mode improvement = NaN
New value of jscale = 0
Optimal value of the scale parameter = 0
Final value of minus the log posterior (or likelihood):Inf
Fval obtained by the optimization routine: Inf
And the mode check plots:
How can I solve this problem?
newsbayes.m (1.5 KB)
newsbayes.mod (3.9 KB)
obs.xlsx (15.5 KB)