Parameters have been updated in the steadystate routine and some have complex values

Dear all,

I’ve encountered a problem while changing the calibration of the model. My model was working just fine but now I have this message error

“Error using print_info (line 32)
Parameters have been updated in the steadystate routine and some have complex values.”

Whenever I have a problem with the residuals equation, I have a problem between my model equations and steady state equations. But I haven’t changed anything, just the calibration. Plus it is the first time that I’m receiving the following error “parameters have complex values”. Are those the parameters of my models ?

I have some parameters that have a rather insignificant value such as 5 e-06. Can it be the problem ? Or is it that I made a typo in my SS equations or model equations as per usual (I have 5 equations out of 350 that exhibit positive residuals).

Thank you in advance,


The message indicates that there is a problem with your calibration. Within your steady state file you assign parameter values, which are complex. That typically happens if during steady-state computation you get negative values for variables that cannot be negative.

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