Dear Prof. Pfeifer and all
The original model is perfect,but i meet some questions when i Modify the model to find the maximize welfare in the **ramsey_policy **command.I have checked many times.
Warning: Some of the parameters have no value (chi,
Wmin, ka, TT, phi, mu_L, mu_P) when using
Stoch_simul. If these parameters are not
Initialized in a strongystate file or a
Steady_state_model-block, Dynare may not be able
To solve the model
The operands of the || and the && operator must be able to be converted to logical scalar values.
Error dynare_solve (line 88)
If (~ ismember (options.solve_algo, [10,11])) &&
(Max (abs (fvec)) <tolf)
Error dyn_ramsey_static (line 70)
[Inst_val, info1] =
Dynare_solve (nl_func, ys_init (k_inst), ā¦
Error evaluate_steady_state (line 139)
[Ys, params, info] =
Dyn_ramsey_static (ys_init, M, options, oo);
Wrong (line 104)
[Dr.ys, M.params, info] =
Evaluate_steady_state (oo.steady_state, M, options, oo, 0);
Error stoch_simul (line 83)
[Oo_.dr, info, M_, options_, oo_] =
Resol (0, M_, options_, oo_);
Error ramsey_policy (line 38)
Info = stoch_simul (var_list);
Error model (line 1009)
Ramsey_policy (var_list_);
Error dynare (line 223)
Evalin (ābaseā, fname);
Many thanks.
model.mod (11.1 KB)