Occbin toolkit error

Hi all,

I am using the G&I toolkit for Occbin for ZLB constraint, but I am getting som errors when I try to run the m. file from the toolkit.

I tried following the setup from: Stochastic simulations with OccBin - #6 by Giulia

  1. I run the chap_3.mod file
  2. I write in the command window: shockssequence = oo_.exo_simul and irfshock = M_.exo_names
  3. I run the gali_chapter_3_zlb.mod file
  4. I run the call_solve_one_constraint.m file after i have changed it according to my files.
  5. Then i get errors

I am uploading the file without ZLB, with ZLB and the toolkit file.

The errors I get is:
Error using strcmp
Inputs must be the same size or either one can be a scalar.
Error in solve_one_constraint (line 67)
if ~strcmp(Mbase_.param_names,Mstar_.param_names)
Error in call_solve_one_constraint (line 3)
solve_one_constraint(‘chap_3’, ‘gali_chapter_3_zlb’, …

Gali_Chapter_3_ZLB.mod (6.9 KB)
call_solve_one_constraint.m (737 Bytes)
chap_3.mod (7.5 KB)

Sorry, but we don’t support the original toolkit since there is a genuine Dynare implementation.