Hi everyone,
i have a standard DSGE model and i’m trying to use Occbin for a simple exercise, i.e. constraining the aggregate output to its steady state value. However, using Occbin i’m getting the following error:
ERROR: the number of equations marked [static] must be equal to the number of equations marked [dynamic]
Error using dynare
Dynare: preprocessing failedError in main_1sector_Occbin (line 29)
dynare DSGE_1sector_Occbin nostrict
I saw there is no much about this error, can you please help me? Given a shock, the model works fine, in both regimes (i tried with perturbation as well as in perfect foresight with the lmmcp solver, fine as well).
Attached there is the code, just set your dynare path in “main_1sector_Occbin.m” and run this file.
Thanks in advance,
DSGE_1sector_Occbin.zip (182.6 KB)