Model comparison from same initial point (Steady State) with histval


I want to obtain and compare the conditional welfare of two models (that differ by policy frameworks).

They have different steady states (and hence initial values for predetermined variables). Thus I want to make a fair comparison by simulating and obtaining the mean of the welfare departing from the same Steady State. I have been checking the manual and other forum entries and it looks like I can do this with histval.

I’ve been trying to find a working example but the one in the manual is missing 1 equation in the model block (page 37).

I have some questions about its implementation:

1. For setting the initial point should I use something like:


Rdc(-1) = 1.0101;
Bc(-1) = 0;
Ba(-1) = 0;
Bb(-1) = 0;
Kc(-1) = 41.0521;
Ka(-1) = 55.5583;
Kb(-1) = 55.5583;


where the declared variables are the state variables of the model (that Dynare usually sets as the SS of the model).



Rdc(0) = 1.0101;
Bc(0) = 0;
Ba(0) = 0;
Bb(0) = 0;
Kc(0) = 41.0521;
Ka(0) = 55.5583;
Kb(0) = 55.5583;


(My Decision Rule only has states with 1 lag. My hunch is that it should be X(0) then and that X(-1) is used when I need higher order lags to begin with, e.g., if I have some X(-2) in my decision rule)

2. In the histval block: Should I declare the steady state I want to depart from, or instead, deviations from such steady state ? (i.e., my intended departing point minus the actual steady state of the model in the file).

3. If I set in the model:

#Utilc = Cc^(1-siggma)/(1-siggma) - Hc^(1+pssi)/(1+pssi)
Wc = Utilc + betta*Wc(+1)

And at the end I set:

stoch_simul(order=2,periods=200) Wc

Would this output correspond to the conditional (on the same SS) welfare I am looking for comparing models?

VARIABLE              MEAN       STD. DEV.        VARIANCE        SKEWNESS        KURTOSIS
Wc               -53.537709        0.896102        0.802998       -0.028222       -0.804784


4. Is there any example file/link where the conditional welfare of two models is compared, hopefully using histval to achieve this?

In the case I am missing something and misinterpreting the manual and other entries in the forum, I’d also appreciate if someone indicates whether is wrong to do the Conditional Welf comparison with histval.



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To follow up, I found this on another reply:

It’s a bit dated (from 2011). When I use histval now (version 4.6.1) together with stoch_simul I get different Moments (mean etc).

Does this mean that in recent versions histval can indeed be used to obtain the Welfare conditional on beginning where I indicate in histval?

  1. I would recommend using the simult_-function to simulate welfare at the starting point you desire. See DSGE_mod/Born_Pfeifer_2018/Welfare/get_consumption_equivalent_conditional_welfare.m at master · JohannesPfeifer/DSGE_mod · GitHub
  2. What do you mean with

Could you provide me with the codes to check?

Hi Johannes, thank you for your reply. I will use simult_ while declaring the initial steady state vector I want to depart from in all models.

What I meant is that if I use histval and run the simulations with stoch_simul(…,periods=200) I obtain different means of the simulated variables. Since I am only changing the initial values I was thinking it could be a way to get the conditional welfare.

Although, maybe one issue is that for Welfare I only need the first period of the simulation and not the mean based on the whole simulated sample.

Here’s with histval:

VARIABLE              MEAN       STD. DEV.        VARIANCE        SKEWNESS        KURTOSIS
W               -51.606379        1.992855        3.971469        0.435371       -0.769530

And here’s without it:

VARIABLE              MEAN       STD. DEV.        VARIANCE        SKEWNESS        KURTOSIS
W               -53.533470        0.899157        0.808483       -0.027257       -0.811852

These are the files I used (just the usual example files with some modifications).

example1_histval.mod (1.7 KB) example1_nohistval.mod (1.7 KB)

Thanks again for your reply and link to your code, I will use these lines to get it:

shock_matrix = zeros(1,M_.exo_nbr); %create shock matrix with number of time periods in rows
y_sim = simult_(M_,options_,initial_condition_states,oo_.dr,shock_matrix,options_.order); 



I have a final question here (maybe trivial). Why are you multiplying the Welfare times 100 in your code?:


is this important?
I wonder because without multiplying the units already look more similar to the moments reported by the usual output.
