Mode related questions

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Hi Everyone,

I found that the values in the above picture are completely the same when I set the draws (mh_replic) equal to 2million and 3million. Does this mean I found the true modes?

Thank you,

No, because the number of draws mh_replic does not influence the mode-finding stage.

Thank you Prof. Pfeifer for answering my question. Does the mh_replic only afeect the MCMC? Besides, what can we conclude from the fact that I stated “I found that the values in the above picture are completely the same when I set the draws (mh_replic) equal to 2million and 3million.”

  1. Yes, it will affect the MCMC.
  2. You can conclude nothing here. You ran an identical mode-finding step in both runs, and unsurprisingly, they yield the same result.

Thank you Prof. Pfeifer for answering my questions.