Looping over parameters in Dynare

Dear all,

I loop over parameters in Dynare, while utilizing initval block in my .mod file.
Though I have looked through the forum, I have not found any ideas on how to update initval as I keep looping over parameters. I believe it is crucial, as for some values of the parameter steady state cannot be calculated.

Moreover, I was wondering: when I run stoch_simul() in the external .mat file, is steady state recalculated?

I would be grateful for any hint.

  1. A call to stoch_simul will always recompute the steady state (or at least check whether the initial values are a steady state).
  2. It is generally not intended to alter initval. If you very parameters a lot, you should usually provide an analytical steady state. That would take care of the issue. If you need to alter the initial values when just looping over stoch_simul you should be able to just alter oo_.steady_state