Loop over parameter

Hi All,

I have a standard NK model and I would like to loop over \psi on output, using perfect foresight as opposed to stoch_simul. See attached the mod.file and the loop.m
NK.mod (2.5 KB)
loop.m (615 Bytes)

Do you know what is wrong? Thanks.

The basic structure should be the one in
loop.m (610 Bytes)
NK.mod (2.5 KB)

I am trying to run your files with Dynare 5.4 but the loop cannot go through except the first one. Any clue? Thank you so much.

Error using perfect_foresight_setup
Too many input arguments.
Error in loop (line 13)
oo_=perfect_foresight_setup(M_, options_, oo_);

Please use Dynare 6.