Please see the function irf below: it takes dr as input, but in my workspace dr does not exist separately (it is found under oo_.dr). This has required me to define dr and its subfiles manually (you can see these additions in the code). However, this is not realistic, as some of the subfiles are large matrices (such as oo_.dr_kstate, dr.ghx, dr.ghu - all called in simult_.m file, which is called in irf.m).
ScienceDirect_files_06Jun2024_08-59-06.459 copy.zip (1.4 MB)
Is there anyway to add a line so that it takes dr as a structure array, and can automatically recognise sub files with its dot indexing?
I have the same issue with M_, needing to define each field name otherwise it does not take it from the workspace.
issue in irf.m and also in simult_.m (it will be become clear through the error message).
function y = irf(M_, options_, dr, e1, long, drop, replic, iorder)
options_ = struct(); % IEB: addded to initialize options_ as a structure
options_.loglinear = false; % IEB: added to re-assign its value
options_.logged_steady_state = 0; % IEB: added to re-assign its value
M_ = struct(); % IEB: added to initialize M_ as a structure
M_.maximum_lag = 1; % IEB: added to re-assign value
M_.endo_nbr = 31; % IEB: added to re-assign value
M_.exo_nbr = 3; % IEB: added to re-assign value
M_.hessian_eq_zero = 0; % IEB: added to re-assign value
M_.Sigma_e = diag(0.0001 * ones(3,1)); % IEB: added to re-assign value
dr = struct(); % IEB: added to initialize M_ as a structure
dr.ys = zeros(M_.endo_nbr, 1); % IEB: added to set default dr.ys
replic = 1000; %IEB: set number of simulations to 1000
if options_.loglinear && ~options_.logged_steady_state
dr.ys = log_variable(1:M_.endo_nbr,dr.ys,M_);
if M_.maximum_lag >= 1
temps = repmat(dr.ys,1,M_.maximum_lag);
temps = zeros(M_.endo_nbr, 1); % Dummy values for purely forward models
y = 0;
iorder = 2; %IEB: added this to set approximation to second order
local_order = iorder;
if local_order~=1 && M_.hessian_eq_zero
local_order = 1;
if local_order == 1
y1 = repmat(dr.ys,1,long);
ex2 = zeros(long,M_.exo_nbr);
ex2(1,:) = e1';
y2 = simult_(M_,options_,temps,dr,ex2,local_order);
y = y2(:,M_.maximum_lag+1:end)-y1;
% eliminate shocks with 0 variance
i_exo_var = setdiff(1:M_.exo_nbr,find(diag(M_.Sigma_e) == 0 ));
nxs = length(i_exo_var);
ex1 = zeros(long+drop,M_.exo_nbr);
chol_S = chol(M_.Sigma_e(i_exo_var,i_exo_var));
for j = 1: replic
ex1(:,i_exo_var) = randn(long+drop,nxs)*chol_S;
ex2 = ex1;
ex2(drop+1,:) = ex2(drop+1,:)+e1';
y1 = simult_(M_,options_,temps,dr,ex1,local_order);
y2 = simult_(M_,options_,temps,dr,ex2,local_order);
y = y+(y2(:,M_.maximum_lag+drop+1:end)-y1(:,M_.maximum_lag+drop+1:end));
attached is the zip file.
Many thanks in advance!