I used the Matlab equation solver (fsolve) to calculate the steady state. Took 8 iterations for it to reach the SS. I then feed these numbers into initval and my simple model run.
But, when I used steady_state_model and feed the block with the same value from fsolve, it gave me an error.
Does this mean that if I am using fsolve, I can only use initval but not steady_state_model?
You need to verify whether the solution you got with fsolve actually is a steady state of the model implemented in Dynare. use resid before steady to check the initvals.
Here you go. It runs if I use initval, it doesn’t run if I use steady_state_model.
var c n k z r w y;
predetermined_variables k;
varexo e_z;
parameters beta theta delta rho a;
beta = 0.99;
delta = 0.025;
theta = 0.36;
a = 1.72;
rho = 0.95;
params = [beta theta delta a];
init = [0.5 0.1 1 0.1 0.1 0.1];
options = optimset('Display','iter');
[ss,Fval,exitflag] = fsolve('rbc_ss',init,options,params);
w / c = a / (1 - n);
beta * ((1/c(+1)) * (r(+1) + 1 - delta)) = 1 / c;
c + k(+1) = w * n + r * k + (1 - delta) * k;
y = exp(z) * k^(theta) * n^(1 - theta);
w = (1 - theta) * exp(z) * k^(theta) * n^(-theta);
r = theta * exp(z) * k^(theta - 1) * n^(1 - theta);
z = rho*(z(-1)) + e_z;
z = 0;
c = ss(1);
n = ss(2);
k = ss(3);
r = ss(4);
w = ss(5);
y = ss(6);
var e_z = 0.01^2;
stoch_simul(periods=2000, drop=200,irf = 100,order=3);
For the steady state calc;
function X = rbc_ss(initial,param)
beta = param(1);
theta = param(2);
delta = param(3);
a = param(4);
c = initial(1);
n = initial(2);
k = initial(3);
r = initial(4);
w = initial(5);
y = initial(6);
X = [
w / c - a / (1 - n);
beta * (1/c * (r + 1 - delta)) - 1 / c;
c + k - w * n - r * k - (1 - delta) * k;
y - k^(theta) * n^(1 - theta);
w - (1 - theta) * k^(theta) * n^(-theta);
r - theta * k^(theta - 1) * n^(1 - theta);
Sorry, but I don’t see the point for even having this complexity here. You are solving for the steady state with brute force. Your file is equivalent to
var c n k z r w y;
predetermined_variables k;
varexo e_z;
parameters beta theta delta rho a;
beta = 0.99;
delta = 0.025;
theta = 0.36;
a = 1.72;
rho = 0.95;
w / c = a / (1 - n);
beta * ((1/c(+1)) * (r(+1) + 1 - delta)) = 1 / c;
c + k(+1) = w * n + r * k + (1 - delta) * k;
y = exp(z) * k^(theta) * n^(1 - theta);
w = (1 - theta) * exp(z) * k^(theta) * n^(-theta);
r = theta * exp(z) * k^(theta - 1) * n^(1 - theta);
z = rho*(z(-1)) + e_z;
z = 0;
c = 0.5;
n = 0.1;
k = 1;
r = 0.1;
w = 0.1;
y = 0.1;
var e_z = 0.01^2;
stoch_simul(periods=2000, drop=200,irf = 100,order=3);
Yes. I acknowledge that. Because I am learning how to use fsolve together with Dynare, in case I have a more complex model where I am not able to find the analytical steady states.
Does this mean that fsolve cannot be used with steady_state_model?
In that case, you should use a steady state file. The steady_state_model-block would mostly work for easier setups. See the example3.mod in Dynare’es examples-folder
Dear Johannes, is there a difference between “initval” and “steady_state_model”?
I have difficulty finding a unique steady state of a Ramsey model – it confirms any value of inflation I give it as steady state – even though the associated loss cleary varies with the rate of inflation.