I am having a lot of problems with my own model and would like to ask your advice

Uploading: DSGE.txt…
First, because my equations did not match the number of variables, I chose several equations or the same equations to fill in.

Secondly, I calculated the steady state of this model first

Finally, the problem is that there is an error in the generalized Schur (QZ) decomposition of the model. I would like to ask you how to solve it. Thank you very much.

Here are my mistakes:

错误使用 print_info

The generalized Schur (QZ) decomposition failed. For more information, see the documentation for Lapack function dgges: info=30, n=5. You can also run

model_diagnostics to get more information on what may cause this problem.

出错 check (第 48 行)

print_info(info, 0, options);

出错 DSGE.driver (第 341 行)

oo_.dr.eigval = check(M_,options_,oo_);

出错 dynare (第 278 行)

evalin(‘base’,[fname ‘.driver’]);

Your upload did not complete.

var W C P L r Y A K Q I Z y YN YF M m M1 phi RB RZ RS pi tau;

varexo epsilon;

parameters theta beta mu delta pai rho theta_r rho_phi Re rho_r phi_pi e;

theta = 0.5;

beta = 0.99;

mu = 0.5;

delta = 0.025;

pai = 0.5;

rho = 4.6;

theta_r = 0.1;

rho_phi = 0.9;

Re = 1.004;

rho_r = 1.5;

phi_pi = 0.9;

e = 6;


W = ((1-theta) / theta) * C * P / (1 - L);

P = W * (1 - L) * theta/(C * (1 - theta));

r = 1/beta * C(+1)/C * P(+1)/P - 1;

Y = A * K^mu * L^(1-mu);

L = (1 - mu) * Y/W;

K = mu * Y/Q;

K(+1) = (1 - delta) * K + I;

Z = W * L + I;

W = (1 - mu) * A * K^mu * L^(-mu);

Q = mu * A * K^(mu-1) * L^(1-mu);

y = (pai^(1-rho) * YN^rho + (1-pai)^(1-rho) * YF^rho)^(1/rho);

YN = (M/m)^(1/(rho-1)) * y * pai;

YF = (e * M1 / m)^(1/(rho-1)) * y * (1-pai);

m = (pai * M^(rho/(rho-1)) + (1-pai) * (e * M1)^(rho/(rho-1)))^((rho-1)/rho);

log(phi) = rho_phi * log(phi(-1)) + epsilon;

RB = theta_r * Re + (1 - theta_r) * (1 - phi) * RS;

RZ = RS + tau/phi;

tau = (RZ - RS) * phi;

rho_r =1.5;

phi_pi = 0.9;

pi = P/P(-1);

y = C + I + tau * Z/phi;

e = 6;



y = 0.8;

Y = 1;

YN = 0.4;

YF = 0.4;

C = 0.15;

L = 1/3;

P = 20/3;

W = 1.5;

r = 1/99;

A = 1;

K = 3;

I = 0.075;

Z = W * L + I;

Q = 1/6;

M = 1;

m = 1;

M1 = 1/6;

phi = 1; % 提供ln(phi)的初始值

RB = 0.1004;

RZ = 1;

RS = 0;

tau = 1;

pi = 1; % 提供ln(pi)的初始值

epsilon = 0;





var epsilon;

stderr 0.1;


stoch_simul(order = 1,periods=100);

You need to find the correct equations. You cannot complete the model by adding parameter declarations.