How xxx.m, xxx_dynamic.m,xxx_static.m files are related?

When Dynare parsing the mod file successfully, it will create three files

filename.m filename_dynamic.m filename_static.m
My equation is that how filename.m invoke the other two m files?
I run the filename.m to improve the performance of recursively running.

**I have read the filename.m, I can not find the code which invoke the other two m files? **

Using debug model, I finally found the chain of invocation:
xxx.m —> stoch_simul.m --> resol.m --> stochastic_solvers.m --> xxx_dynamic.m

What do you mean with recursively running? There are a lot of post dealing with how to efficiently call Dynare in a loop. See e.g. [Loop over parameters)

By the way: those files are called in different places. The _static.m file is for example called in steady state computation.