hi everyone! Thanks to Professor Jpfeifer for patiently answering questions for me every time!
I want to write the following equation in dynare,
st = fs * st(-1) + fk * kt(-1) + ef
fk = 0.07 if kt(-1)<kbar; 0.05 if kt(-1)>=kbar
but I don’t know how to implement it, I think I should use the occbin package to implement it, but I don’t know how to write the code, because I don’t know what the corresponding ‘bind’ and 'relax 'conditions are.
In addition, I uploaded my reference paper.Corresponding to equations 5 and 7 in the article ( page 5-6)
england central bank-a tail of three occasionally binding constraints a modelling approach to gdp at risk.pdf (427.8 KB)