How to use set_param_value

Hi guys, I met some problem when trying to loop over a parameter by command ‘set_param_value’.
I want to set the param ‘Phi_Pi_star = 1.2’, and here’s how I did:

dynare baseline noclearall;

But I found the value of Phi_Pi_star would be covered by calibrate mod file. Then I deleted the ‘Phi_Pi = x;’ from the calibrate mod file and did it again, but this time the steady state got NaN (I used a log-linearize model, and pretty sure the problem is not from the model).

I check the “Looping over Parameters”, but still have no idea what I done wrong.

I use the set_param_value function within the dynare mod file, and it works fine. I don’t think we can use that function outside the mod file as you have. Dynare would simply overwrite it: somebody please correct me if I am wrong.


@punnoosejacob Is correct. set_param_value will rely on a global variable that will not yet exists before calling Dynare the first time. Also you may overwrite the contents.

Thanks a lot, it helps!

I have tried another way by using ‘set_param_value’ inside the mod file, it works well!
Moreover I wondering if I can use stoch_simul in a matlab file after calling dynare once? (I have seen your comments in another discussion, but I still couldn’t figure out the routine).
And I do know Dynare can compute the SpectralDensity, if it is possible way to compute the cross-spectral density?

An example is at Parameter loop in Dynare 5.x - #3 by jpfeifer
And no, the cross-spectra are not computed by Dynare.

If there’s any precedents on calculating cross-spectral density or maybe some advice?
And if there’s possible way to get the coefficient matrix of the linear equation system like Sims(2002)/Klein/B&K suggest to?
I am trying to replicate the method of Sargent and Surico (2011, AER) and Kliem et al(2016,EER) by Dynare.
Great thanks for answering so many question!

As for
And if there’s possible way to get the coefficient matrix of the linear equation system like Sims(2002)/Klein/B&K suggest to?
It that the “oo_.dr.ghx”?

Which linear equation system do you mean? The state space representation?


Have a look at DSGE_mod/ABCD_test.m at master · JohannesPfeifer/DSGE_mod · GitHub

Many thanks in advance!

Is control toolbox means the control system toolbox?

problem solved, thanks a lot