How to trace NaNs in the static file

I’m running a DSGE model and getting the problem with NaNs in all the equations. The log I get from Octave says the line that generates this in static file line 35, which is:

T27 = (y(26)/T24)^params(27); (And so on more lines have the same 0 division).

I’m starting in Dynare, but I’d guess that this file computes arithmetic operations needed for the equations declared. If this is correct, I think I can trace the equations that generate NaN and fix it computationally (or even maybe in the mathematical structure if needed). So I’d ve grateful if you could guide me in how to read this file appropriately, or ever if I’m mistaking taking this approach to solve the problem.

Thank you!

DSGE_Col_E_static.m (32.9 KB)
DSGE_Col_E log.txt (74.8 KB)
DSGE_Col_E.mod (33.7 KB)

See e,g

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