Hello, everybody.
How can I calculate and analyze the IRF of the correlation between two variables in Dynare?
In Basu and Bundick (2017) paper (“Uncertainty shocks in a model of effective demand”), they calculate the IRF of volatility, which is showns as the IRF of model implied stock market volatiltiy.
vxo_evola = 100sqrt(4(max(varexpre_evola+varexpre_sss,1e-16)));
vxo_ea = 100sqrt(4(max(varexpre_ea+varexpre_sss,1e-16)));
vxo_ez = 100sqrt(4(max(varexpre_ez++varexpre_sss,1e-16)));
vxo_sss = 100sqrt(4(varexpre_sss));
logvxo_evola = log(vxo_evola./ vxo_sss);
logvxo_ea = log(vxo_ea./ vxo_sss);
logvxo_ez = log(vxo_ez./ vxo_sss);
How can I calculate and analyze the IRF of the correlations between endogenous variables, for example, the IRF of the correlation between price of equity and investment ?
Their codes are attached below.
Thanks a lot !
bbeffectivedemandmodelsupportvar.mod (7.9 KB)
irfsss.m (1.9 KB)
sss.m (1.3 KB)