Government debt issue in an RBC model

I attach below the dynare code of an RBC model with government and fiscal policy shocks.
There’s an error on the number of forward looking variables and I can’t really find which one. tax rates are exogenous (become endo. with shocks) and government investment, spending and transfers are all proportions of output. it works when I move some variables one period forward (with results that make sense) but the timing become weird.
Here’s the code:

% Endogenous variables 
var C L K KG I IG G B Y A iB T R W BtY TRA Tw Tc Tr g ig tra sTc sTw sTr sG sIG sTRA;

% Exogenous variables (Shocks)
varexo eA eTc eTw eTr eG eIG eTRA;

% Parameters 
parameters Phi Sigma Beta Alpha1 Alpha2 Alpha3 Rho Delta DeltaG RhoTRA RhoG RhoIG RhoTc RhoTw RhoTr;

% Parameter values
Beta = 0.985;
Sigma = 2;
Phi = 1.5;
Delta = 0.025;
DeltaG = 0.025;
Alpha1 = 0.4;
Alpha2 = 0.6;
Alpha3 = 0.05;
Rho = 0.9;
RhoTc = 0.0;
RhoTr = 0.0;
RhoTw = 0.0;
RhoG = 0.0;
RhoIG = 0.0;
RhoTRA = 0.0;

% The Steady State
Tcss = 0.2;
Twss = 0.1;
Trss = 0.35;
igss = 0.2/3;
gss = 0.8/9;
trass = 0.4/9;
Rss = ((1/Beta)-1+Delta)/(1-Trss);
iBss = (1/Beta);
m1 = (((((1-Twss)/(1+Tcss))^(1/Sigma))*((Alpha2)^(-Phi/Sigma)))/(1-Delta*(Alpha1/Rss)-igss-gss))^(-Sigma/(Sigma+Phi));
m2 = (((DeltaG/igss)^Alpha3)*((1/Alpha2)^Alpha2)*((Rss/Alpha1)^Alpha1))^(1/Alpha3);
m3 = 1/(((Phi+1)/(Phi+Sigma))-(Alpha2/Alpha3));
Wss = (m1*m2)^m3;
Yss = m2*(Wss^(Alpha2/Alpha3));
Kss = Alpha1*Yss/Rss;
Lss = Alpha2*Yss/Wss;
Iss = Delta*Kss;
Gss = gss*Yss;
IGss = igss*Yss;
TRAss = trass*Yss;
KGss = IGss/DeltaG;
Css = Yss-Iss-IGss-Gss;
Tss = Tcss*Css+Twss*Wss*Lss+Trss*Rss*Kss;
Bss = (Tss-Gss-IGss)*(1/(1-Beta));
BtYss = Bss/Yss;

% The (Nonlinear) Model
(C^Sigma)*(L^Phi) = ((1-Tw)/(1+Tc))*W;
(C(+1)/C)^Sigma = Beta*(1-Delta+(1-Tr)*R(+1));
1-Delta+(1-Tr)*R(+1) = iB;
I = K-(1-Delta)*K(-1);

Y = A*(K(-1)^Alpha1)*(L^Alpha2)*(KG(-1)^Alpha3);
K(-1) = Alpha1*(Y/R);
L = Alpha2*(Y/W);

G+IG+TRA+B(-1) = T+B/iB;
IG = KG-(1-DeltaG)*KG(-1);
T = Tc*C+Tw*W*L+Tr*R*K(-1);
IG = ig*Y;
G = g*Y;
TRA = tra*Y;
BtY = B/Y;

ig = (0.2/3)*sIG;
g = (0.8/9)*sG;
tra = (0.4/9)*sTRA;
Tc = 0.2*sTc;
Tw = 0.1*sTw;
Tr = 0.35*sTr;

Y = C+I+IG+G;

A = exp(eA)*(A(-1))^Rho;
sTc = exp(eTc)*(sTc(-1))^RhoTc;
sTr = exp(eTr)*(sTr(-1))^RhoTr;
sTw = exp(eTw)*(sTw(-1))^RhoTw;
sG = exp(eG)*(sG(-1))^RhoG;
sIG = exp(eIG)*(sIG(-1))^RhoIG;
sTRA = exp(eTRA)*(sTRA(-1))^RhoTRA;

% Initial guess values for the definitive steady state
A = 1;
C = Css;
Y = Yss;
K = Kss;
KG = KGss;
L = Lss;
W = Wss;
R = Rss;
I = Iss;
B = Bss;
iB = iBss;
T = Tss;
BtY = BtYss;

G = Gss;
IG = IGss;
TRA = TRAss;
Tc = Tcss;
Tw = Twss;
Tr = Trss;

sG = 1;
sIG = 1;
sTRA = 1;
sTc = 1;
sTr = 1;
sTw = 1;

% Finding the steady state and checking for stability

% AR(1) processes with exogenous shocks (All shocks but TFP's set to zero)
var eA; stderr 0.01;
var eTc; stderr 0.0;
var eTr; stderr 0.0;
var eTw; stderr 0.0;
var eG; stderr 0.0;
var eIG; stderr 0.0;
var eTRA; stderr 0.0;

%Simulation and Impulse-response 

Thank you.

You must specify tax rules or spending rules so that they react to deviations in the debt to GDP ratio avoiding exploding debt. I tried and your model works perfectly.


Thank you so much for your enlightening answer.
If your ran it with a particular modification would you please provide me with it here (including parameter values of the rule)? I’d really appreciate.
Thanks again.

I have simply modified the consumption tax but you can play around with the other fiscal instruments.
test.mod (2.9 KB)


Thank you so much Dear alchi49,
the model is now working perfectly!
Thanks again !!

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Dear Ezek,
Thank you for sharing knowledge. Would you please share me the model equations via

Hello Zerayehu,
You can just download the above version posted by alchi49 since that one works well.
I suggest that you change the file name after downloading (from test.mod to mymodel.mod for ex. before running).
Let me know if there’s any issue.

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Thank for this. I go through it. But, to understand the code and symbols, I need to have mathematical model equations if you do not mind it. Kindly

@Zerayehu @Ezek Would you share your model here as well or if you got it from a paper, the link or name of the paper.

Than you!