I hope this message finds you well. For my master thesis, I am estimating 3 versions of a non-linear new keynesian model, a baseline, one with external habit formation, and one with liquidity constrained consumers. it’s not log linearized and i specified the steady state. I am quite new to this so I have some general questions:
- should the acceptance ratio for the MH algorithm be more or less the same across all models? or is it ok to just have the acceptance ratio in the range 0.2 - 0.4? or what should be the recommended range?
- what is the exact role of the parameter calibration at the beginning, since in the estim block i suggest a prior distribution? Are the calibrated parameter values just taken form the literature? Should the calibrated value at the beginning and the initial value in the estim_parameter block be aligned?
- How should i choose the starting value in the “estimated_params;” block?
For example: theta, 0.75, 0.01, 0.999, BETA_PDF, 0.6, 0.2; why would i specifically choose 0.75 as starting value? could it be the posterior mean of an estimated paper i take as a reference? - after i run the code, is it possible to change the suggested initial value for a parameter after looking at the data? I guess it’s a wrong move right?
Thank you very much