Failed to install dynareOBC

Dear sir
I was trying to instal DynareOBC, I’m using Matlab R2019b, dynare 4.5.0 version and my computer is windows 11. I follow the instructions by Holden,add just the folder containing dynareOBC.m to my MATLAB path. and the output I got after running dynareOBC testsolvers in Matlab is

>> dynareOBC testsolvers

You have the latest DynareOBC release.

Cleaning up.

Not using the mex version of spkron.
Not using the mex version of ptest.
Not using the mex version of AltPTest.
Not using the mex version of QuickPCheck.

Restoring paths and globals from: C:\Users\maoxi\dynareOBCRelease/FastStart.mat

|       Searching for installed solvers       |
|        Solver|   Version/module|      Status|
|         BARON|                 |   not found|
|      BINTPROG|                 |   not found|
|     BISECTION|                 |       found|
|        BMIBNB|                 |       found|
|           BNB|                 |       found|
|        BONMIN|                 |   not found|
|         BPMPD|                 |   not found|
|           CBC|                 |   not found|
|          CDCS|                 |   not found|
|           CDD|           CDDMEX|       found|
|           CLP|        CLPMEX-LP|   not found|
|           CLP|        CLPMEX-QP|   not found|
|           CLP|             OPTI|   not found|
|         CPLEX|      IBM 12.10.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|      IBM 12.10.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.9.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.9.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.8.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.8.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.5.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.5|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.4|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         CPLEXMEX|   not found|
|          CSDP|             opti|   not found|
|          CSDP|                 |   not found|
|        CUTSDP|                 |       found|
|        CUTSDP|                 |       found|
|          DSDP|             OPTI|   not found|
|          DSDP|                5|   not found|
|          DSDP|                4|   not found|
|          ECOS|                 |   not found|
|      FILTERSD|            dense|   not found|
|      FILTERSD|           sparse|   not found|
|       FMINCON|        geometric|       found|
|       FMINCON|         standard|       found|
|    FMINSEARCH|                 |       found|
|         FRLIB|                 |   not found|
|          GLPK|          GLPKMEX|       found|
|          GLPK|       GLPKMEX-CC|   not found|
|          GLPK|          GLPKMEX|   not found|
|        GPPOSY|                 |   not found|
|        GUROBI|           GUROBI|   not found|
|        GUROBI|              MEX|   not found|
|        GUROBI|        NONCONVEX|   not found|
|    INTLINPROG|                 |       found|
|         IPOPT|         standard|   not found|
|         IPOPT|        geometric|   not found|
|         KKTQP|                 |       found|
|        KNITRO|                 |   not found|
|          KYPD|                 |   not found|
|         LINDO|             MIQP|   not found|
|         LINDO|              NLP|   not found|
|       LINPROG|                 |       found|
|        LMILAB|                 |       found|
|       LMIRANK|                 |   not found|
|     LOGDETPPA|              0.1|   not found|
|       LPSOLVE|        MXLPSOLVE|   not found|
|        LSQLIN|                 |       found|
|     LSQNONNEG|                 |       found|
|        MAXDET|                 |   not found|
|         MOSEK|            LP/QP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|             SOCP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|              SDP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|        GEOMETRIC|   not found|
|         MPLCP|                 |   not found|
|           MPT|                3|       found|
|           MPT|                2|   not found|
|           NAG|           e04mbf|   not found|
|           NAG|           e04naf|   not found|
|         NOMAD|                 |   not found|
|          NONE|                 |       found|
|          OOQP|                 |   not found|
|          OOQP|                 |   not found|
|           OSL|          OSLPROG|   not found|
|          OSQP|                 |   not found|
|        PENBMI|           PENOPT|   not found|
|        PENBMI|           TOMLAB|   not found|
|        PENLAB|                 |   not found|
|        PENNON|         standard|   not found|
|        PENSDP|           PENOPT|   not found|
|        PENSDP|           TOMLAB|   not found|
|           POP|                 |   not found|
|   POWERSOLVER|                 |   not found|
|          QPAS|                 |   not found|
|          QPIP|                 |   not found|
|       QPOASES|                 |   not found|
|         QSOPT|             OPTI|   not found|
|         QSOPT|         MEXQSOPT|   not found|
|      QUADPROG|                 |       found|
|    QUADPROGBB|                 |   not found|
|       REFINER|              1.1|       found|
|          SCIP|           linear|   not found|
|          SCIP|               nl|   not found|
|           SCS|           direct|   not found|
|           SCS|         indirect|   not found|
|          SDPA|                M|   not found|
|         SDPLR|                 |   not found|
|        SDPNAL|              0.5|   not found|
|        SDPNAL|                 |   not found|
|         SDPT3|                4|   not found|
|         SDPT3|              3.1|   not found|
|         SDPT3|             3.02|   not found|
|         SDPT3|              3.0|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|              1.1|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|              1.3|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|             1.05|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|             1.03|   not found|
|         SNOPT|        geometric|   not found|
|         SNOPT|         standard|   not found|
|         SNOPT|             cmex|   not found|
|    SPARSECOLO|                0|   not found|
|     SPARSEPOP|                 |   not found|
|         STRUL|                1|   not found|
|          VSDP|              0.1|   not found|
|        XPRESS|     MEXPRESS 1.1|   not found|
|        XPRESS|     MEXPRESS 1.0|   not found|
|        XPRESS|             FICO|   not found|
Press any key to continue test
|                   Test|   Solution|                                                                                                                   Solver message|
|   Core functionalities|        N/A|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (YALMIP)|
|                     LP|    Correct|                                                                                                    Successfully solved (LINPROG)|
|                     LP|    Correct|                                                                                                    Successfully solved (LINPROG)|
|                     QP|    Correct|                                                                                                   Successfully solved (QUADPROG)|
|                     QP|    Correct|                                                                                                   Successfully solved (QUADPROG)|
|                   SOCP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                   SOCP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|                   SOCP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                 MAXDET|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                 MAXDET|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|          Infeasible LP|        N/A|                                                                                                     Infeasible problem (LINPROG)|
|          Infeasible QP|        N/A|                                                                                                    Infeasible problem (QUADPROG)|
|         Infeasible SDP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|      Moment relaxation|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|         Sum-of-squares|        N/A|                                                                                            Unbounded objective function (LMILAB)|
|           Bilinear SDP|        N/A|   Unknown problem in solver (Turn on 'debug' in sdpsettings) (Undefined function 'glpkcc' for input arguments of type 'struct'.)|
You do not have any efficient LMI solver installed (only found LMILAB).
If you intend to solve LMIs, please install a better solver.
See Interfaced solvers in YALMIP
|       Searching for installed solvers       |
|        Solver|   Version/module|      Status|
|         BARON|                 |   not found|
|      BINTPROG|                 |   not found|
|     BISECTION|                 |       found|
|        BMIBNB|                 |       found|
|           BNB|                 |       found|
|        BONMIN|                 |   not found|
|         BPMPD|                 |   not found|
|           CBC|                 |   not found|
|          CDCS|                 |   not found|
|           CDD|           CDDMEX|       found|
|           CLP|        CLPMEX-LP|   not found|
|           CLP|        CLPMEX-QP|   not found|
|           CLP|             OPTI|   not found|
|         CPLEX|      IBM 12.10.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|      IBM 12.10.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.9.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.9.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.8.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.8.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.7.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.6.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|       IBM 12.5.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.5|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.4|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.3|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.2|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.1|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         IBM 12.0|   not found|
|         CPLEX|         CPLEXMEX|   not found|
|          CSDP|             opti|   not found|
|          CSDP|                 |   not found|
|        CUTSDP|                 |       found|
|        CUTSDP|                 |       found|
|          DSDP|             OPTI|   not found|
|          DSDP|                5|   not found|
|          DSDP|                4|   not found|
|          ECOS|                 |   not found|
|      FILTERSD|            dense|   not found|
|      FILTERSD|           sparse|   not found|
|       FMINCON|        geometric|       found|
|       FMINCON|         standard|       found|
|    FMINSEARCH|                 |       found|
|         FRLIB|                 |   not found|
|          GLPK|          GLPKMEX|       found|
|          GLPK|       GLPKMEX-CC|   not found|
|          GLPK|          GLPKMEX|   not found|
|        GPPOSY|                 |   not found|
|        GUROBI|           GUROBI|   not found|
|        GUROBI|              MEX|   not found|
|        GUROBI|        NONCONVEX|   not found|
|    INTLINPROG|                 |       found|
|         IPOPT|         standard|   not found|
|         IPOPT|        geometric|   not found|
|         KKTQP|                 |       found|
|        KNITRO|                 |   not found|
|          KYPD|                 |   not found|
|         LINDO|             MIQP|   not found|
|         LINDO|              NLP|   not found|
|       LINPROG|                 |       found|
|        LMILAB|                 |       found|
|       LMIRANK|                 |   not found|
|     LOGDETPPA|              0.1|   not found|
|       LPSOLVE|        MXLPSOLVE|   not found|
|        LSQLIN|                 |       found|
|     LSQNONNEG|                 |       found|
|        MAXDET|                 |   not found|
|         MOSEK|            LP/QP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|             SOCP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|              SDP|   not found|
|         MOSEK|        GEOMETRIC|   not found|
|         MPLCP|                 |   not found|
|           MPT|                3|       found|
|           MPT|                2|   not found|
|           NAG|           e04mbf|   not found|
|           NAG|           e04naf|   not found|
|         NOMAD|                 |   not found|
|          NONE|                 |       found|
|          OOQP|                 |   not found|
|          OOQP|                 |   not found|
|           OSL|          OSLPROG|   not found|
|          OSQP|                 |   not found|
|        PENBMI|           PENOPT|   not found|
|        PENBMI|           TOMLAB|   not found|
|        PENLAB|                 |   not found|
|        PENNON|         standard|   not found|
|        PENSDP|           PENOPT|   not found|
|        PENSDP|           TOMLAB|   not found|
|           POP|                 |   not found|
|   POWERSOLVER|                 |   not found|
|          QPAS|                 |   not found|
|          QPIP|                 |   not found|
|       QPOASES|                 |   not found|
|         QSOPT|             OPTI|   not found|
|         QSOPT|         MEXQSOPT|   not found|
|      QUADPROG|                 |       found|
|    QUADPROGBB|                 |   not found|
|       REFINER|              1.1|       found|
|          SCIP|           linear|   not found|
|          SCIP|               nl|   not found|
|           SCS|           direct|   not found|
|           SCS|         indirect|   not found|
|          SDPA|                M|   not found|
|         SDPLR|                 |   not found|
|        SDPNAL|              0.5|   not found|
|        SDPNAL|                 |   not found|
|         SDPT3|                4|   not found|
|         SDPT3|              3.1|   not found|
|         SDPT3|             3.02|   not found|
|         SDPT3|              3.0|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|              1.1|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|              1.3|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|             1.05|   not found|
|        SEDUMI|             1.03|   not found|
|         SNOPT|        geometric|   not found|
|         SNOPT|         standard|   not found|
|         SNOPT|             cmex|   not found|
|    SPARSECOLO|                0|   not found|
|     SPARSEPOP|                 |   not found|
|         STRUL|                1|   not found|
|          VSDP|              0.1|   not found|
|        XPRESS|     MEXPRESS 1.1|   not found|
|        XPRESS|     MEXPRESS 1.0|   not found|
|        XPRESS|             FICO|   not found|
Press any key to continue test
after i deleting  all `.mat` files from the DynareOBC directory. and I run dynareOBC testsolvers in Matlab again. the output is 

|                   Test|   Solution|                                                                                                                   Solver message|
|   Core functionalities|        N/A|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (YALMIP)|
|                     LP|    Correct|                                                                                                 Successfully solved (INTLINPROG)|
|                     LP|    Correct|                                                                                                 Successfully solved (INTLINPROG)|
|                     QP|    Correct|                                                                                                   Successfully solved (QUADPROG)|
|                     QP|    Correct|                                                                                                   Successfully solved (QUADPROG)|
|                   SOCP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                   SOCP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|                   SOCP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                    SDP|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                 MAXDET|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|                 MAXDET|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|          Infeasible LP|        N/A|                                                                                                  Infeasible problem (INTLINPROG)|
|          Infeasible QP|        N/A|                                                                                                    Infeasible problem (QUADPROG)|
|         Infeasible SDP|        N/A|                                                                                                      Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
|      Moment relaxation|    Correct|                                                                                                     Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
|         Sum-of-squares|        N/A|                                                                                            Unbounded objective function (LMILAB)|
|           Bilinear SDP|        N/A|   Unknown problem in solver (Turn on 'debug' in sdpsettings) (Undefined function 'glpkcc' for input arguments of type 'struct'.)|
You do not have any efficient LMI solver installed (only found LMILAB).
If you intend to solve LMIs, please install a better solver.
See Interfaced solvers in YALMIP
Warning: Unrecognized function or variable 'opti_Install_Test'. 
> In dynareOBCSetup (line 189)
  In dynareOBC (line 711)

is there anyone have these kind of issue? I’ve tried everything can you help me with that any suggestions? @cfp thank you very much.

That’s not a critical issue. It sounds like you have a fully working install.

(But you should use the latest Dynare 4.5, not 4.5.0. Latest is 4.5.7 if I remember right.)

I’m not sure what the source of that OptiToolbox issue is, but given OptiToolbox is no longer supported I ought to remove all dependence on it.

You ought to install Gurobi or similar to get a decent solver.

1 Like

Dear sir
thanks for the immediate reply. I’m using Dynare version 4.5.7 now. and I also download the Gurobi. and the output after running dynareOBC testsolvers is
| Test| Solution| Solver message|
| Core functionalities| N/A| Successfully solved (YALMIP)|
| LP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| LP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| QP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| QP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| SOCP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| SOCP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| SOCP| Correct| Successfully solved (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| SDP| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| SDP| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| SDP| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| SDP| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| MAXDET| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| MAXDET| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| Infeasible LP| N/A| Either infeasible or unbounded (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| Infeasible QP| N/A| Either infeasible or unbounded (GUROBI-GUROBI)|
| Infeasible SDP| N/A| Infeasible problem (LMILAB)|
| Moment relaxation| Correct| Successfully solved (LMILAB)|
| Sum-of-squares| N/A| Unbounded objective function (LMILAB)|
| Bilinear SDP| Correct| Successfully solved (BMIBNB)|
You do not have any efficient LMI solver installed (only found LMILAB).
If you intend to solve LMIs, please install a better solver.
See Interfaced solvers in YALMIP
Warning: Unrecognized function or variable ‘opti_Install_Test’.

In dynareOBCSetup (line 189)
In dynareOBC (line 711)

Ignoring the warning, the differences between the result you posted on the Courseslides and the output I have are the tests of Sum-of-squares. my result shows that the solution of Sum-of-squares is N/A. do I need to download a solver to get the same test output as you did? I run some examples, the outputs seem good.