I am running a model with the extended_path function. Everything works well but when I try the option order=1, I get the following error message:
Reference to non-existent field ‘Omega’.
Error in setup_integration_nodes (line 9)
nodes0 =
repmat(nodes0,1,pfm.number_of_shocks*pfm.stochastic_order)*kron(eye(pfm.stochastic_order),pfm.Omega);Error in extended_path_initialization (line 118)
[nodes,weights,nnodes] = setup_integration_nodes(options_.ep,pfm);Error in extended_path (line 40)
extended_path_initialization(initialconditions, samplesize, exogenousvariables, options_, M_, oo_);Error in partialeq.driver (line 680)
[Simulated_time_series, oo_] = extended_path(, 200, , options_, M_, oo_);Error in dynare (line 310)
evalin(‘base’,[fname ‘.driver’]);
I do not understand what is missing. I went through the manual but I was not able to find any reference to ‘Omega’.
Any help would be super appreciated!