Extended path order>1 with mcp

Dear forum,

I am trying to simulate a model with the extended_path. The code works for order=0 when using order>0 I get the following error message:

Error using horzcat
Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent.

Error in solve_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model (line 196)
nzA{i,j} = [offset_r+ir,offset_c+icA(ic), v]';

Error in extended_path_core (line 69)
solve_stochastic_perfect_foresight_model(endo_simul, exo_simul, pfm, ep.stochastic.quadrature.nodes,

Error in extended_path (line 70)
[endogenous_variables_paths(:,t), info_convergence, endogenousvariablespaths] = extended_path_core(ep.periods,
DynareModel.endo_nbr, DynareModel.exo_nbr, innovations.positive_var_indx, …

Error in extpath_or.driver (line 136)
extended_path(, 200, , options_, M_, oo_);

Error in dynare (line 281)
evalin(‘base’,[fname ‘.driver’]);

I would really appreciate any insight. Thanks a lot!

extpath_or.mod (380 Bytes)

My understanding is that mpc tags are incompatible with extended path. You would need to use max/min operators in this case. @stepan-a may be able to confirm.

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