In Dynare estimation, is there a way to impose initial conditions on the state variables? Some elements of context on why we want to do such a thing (cause in principle, why not let the estimation pick what gives the best fit?). We are estimating a model with expectations deanchoring. Long-term inflation expectations play a central role in the model so we really want to match the data (the michigan 5-year-ahead expectations) on this dimension. So we estimate the model in two steps. In a first step we estimate the parameters related to deanchoring (essentially a learning gain) using inflation and 5-year-ahead expectations as observables. In a second step we estimate everything else using all observables. It works, but we realize the second-step estimation assigns slightly different values to the initial condition of long-term inflation expectations (a state variable of the model). This makes sense (it is now chosen to fit many more things), but ideally we would like to avoid this. Is there a way to impose the initial conditions of the state variables in this second step?
Thanks for your help
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Thanks a lot. It is very useful !