Estimation Gertler e Karadi 2011

HI, i’m working on bayesian estimation of Gertler e Karadi 2011. When i try to run my code, i have this error “epi_ss has wrong type or was already used on the right-hand side. You cannot use it on the left-hand side of a pound (‘#’) expression”. Could you help me to try the error please, i’m working with non linear model.
this is my code
bayesianestimation.mod (11.0 KB)

For this error “epi_ss has wrong type or was already used on the right-hand side., you can try this mod file.
bayesianestimation.mod (11.0 KB)

Thank you. I’ve tried to do this, but now i have an another error that is “syntax error, unexpected NAME” in the estimation line. But I don’t see an error. You could help me ?
stimabayesiana.mod (11.0 KB)

Since the data file is missing.
I think the datafile=dati,mat, should be datafile=dati.mat,

I try whit this change but dynare put-out this error “syntax error, unexpected ‘.’, expecting COMMA or ‘)’”.

If you provide the file ending, the name must be in quotes: datafile='dati.mat'