Errors in finding posterior modes

Hi, I am trying to reproduce estimation results in Justiniano and Preston (2010).
However, I have failed to find posterior modes in estimation using dynare.

In fact, there are no particular contents in my code.
Estimation declaration is as follows.

estimation(datafile=aus_data3,plot_priors=0,nograph,mode_compute=4,presample=4,prefilter=1, diffuse_filter,mh_nblocks=1,mh_replic=50000,mh_jscale=0.10);

presample=4 is from the fact that 4 initial data points are excluded for initialization of Kalman filter.
prefilter=1 is because authors demeaned the series before the estimation.
Also diffuse_filter is added to deal with Blanchard - Kahn errors.
Others are basic options.

I think there is no mistakes in describing the model but continuously get the following error message.

**Error using chol
Matrix must be positive definite.

Error in metropolis_hastings_initialization (line 68)
d = chol(vv);

Error in random_walk_metropolis_hastings (line 69)
ix2, ilogpo2, ModelName, MhDirectoryName, fblck, fline, npar, nblck, nruns, NewFile, MAX_nruns, d ] =

Error in dynare_estimation_1 (line 931)

Error in dynare_estimation (line 70)

Error in jp_2010 (line 331)

Error in dynare (line 120)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;

One thing strange is that prior declaration parts especially for shocks.

According to the paper,

[quote]To allow for a wide set of values a priori, we specify Inverse-Gamma I densities,
with infinite variance by fixing the degrees of freedom at 2. [/quote]

That is why I wrote my code as

stderr eps_ps, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_ys, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_is, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_a, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_m, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_g, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_rp, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25; stderr eps_cp, 0.50, 1E-10, 10, INV_GAMMA1_PDF,0.50,0.25;

Is there any one can help me?

Thank you.
jp_2010.mod (6.16 KB)

The data is missing.

I tried running your model using mode_compute=6, and it runs without error. Am not an expert, but please try that out.
