Error using dynare (line 297)

what’s wrong with my Dynare?
my code seems no
rbc.mod (411 Bytes)

addpath /Applications/Dynare/6.2-arm64/matlab
dynare rbc
Starting Dynare (version 6.2).
Calling Dynare with arguments: none
Starting preprocessing of the model file …
terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::filesystem::__cxx11::filesystem_error’
what(): filesystem error: cannot remove: Not a directory [rbc/model/json]
“/Applications/Dynare/6.2-arm64/matlab/…/preprocessor/dynare-preprocessor” rbc.mod mexext=mexmaci64 “matlabroot=/Applications/”: Aborted
Preprocessing time: 0h00m00s.
Error using dynare (line 297)
Dynare: preprocessing failed

That sounds like a problem with write permissions. Is your folder protected or on a cloud-synched drive?

Problem solved. The reason is wrong version MATLAB. Thanks for your answer.