Error related to OSR/EPF

Hi all,

It trie to run the attached code and it crashed halfway. I would appreciate if someone can help me to fix it and point out where the problem is.

Ps. The baseline case is working. So, I suspect the problem lies from OSR onwards.

Thank you in advance,

In Dynare 6, you need

[info, oo_, options_, M_] =, options_, oo_, {}, M_.osr.param_names, M_.osr.variable_indices,M_.osr.variable_weights);

instead of

oo_.osr = osr(M_.endo_names,M_.osr.param_names,M_.osr.variable_indices,M_.osr.variable_weights);

CcLTV_EPF03.mod (16.1 KB)

Thank you, Johannes! You are superb, as always. Should have asked a few days ago. :joy