Good morning,
Lately I’ve been trying to replicate some paper for which I found the code online but the majority of them don’t work because of compatibility issues. In particular, I’m trying to replicate this code News, Noise, and Fluctuations: An Empirical Exploration - American Economic Association. The authors even specified the version to be used (Dynare 3.065) with the following edit:
In addition, two of the original Dynare files were modified:
• dynare_estimation.m was modified in order to save the value of the
likelihood function in oo_.mle_mode.fval (lines 293-295)
• stoch_simul.m was modified in order to save the IRFs in matrix form (lines
Just replace these files with the modified files included.
After doing what is required, when I try to run simulate.mod, I obtain the following error:
Error using table (line 234)
Wrong number of arguments.
Error in stoch_simul (line 69)
Error in simulate (line 190)
Error in dynare (line 26)
evalin(‘base’,fname) ;
Caused by:
You may have intended to create a table with one row from one or more variables that are character vectors.
Consider using strings or cell arrays of character vectors rather than character arrays. Alternatively, create a
cell array with one row, and convert that to a table using CELL2TABLE.
What could be the cause of the problem? Is there a way to circumvent the mistake?
Have you checked the dynamic model attributes? The agents here need to take care of a flag extraction issue, so the dynamic model incorporates Kalman separating. That requires setting up a different variable (called XLAGE) for that desire and making the channel refresh condition particularly for that. The one marginally precarious part about setting up the conditions is that the X variable isn’t seen by the specialists, yet the arrangement of their concern requires the desire for X(t-1) given data through t.
By running “which table” I obtain the following:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\toolbox\matlab\datatypes@table\table.m % table constructor
I have solved the problem but I leave the answer for future people interested.
From what I understood the problem was caused by the change in stoch_simul.m made by the authors, as the output of the model is changed in form and does not fit the usual table output of dynare. However, the table function is used only when displaying the output, causing the error. I made sure that I didn’t need to visualize the output in question and I deleted the code used to displays it from Dynare. After that I am able to replicate their results. Maybe there is a more sensible solution but this one worked for me!
I’ve uploaded a replication of mine that can be run directly on modern versions of Dynare:
My results are slightly different from the authors for the reasons stated on the I’ve probably made some mistakes of my own; but I hope these are helpful for other PhD students trying to replicate the paper.